Please provide as much detail as possible about what material you'd like your call to be made from. If you're not sure, please look at the pictures on my website. Click on any picture, and a description of the material will pop up. Please be prepared to give guidance on what materials you like. I'm always happy to answer questions to help my customer make their decision.
I don't just put a name on my list without knowing what you want. I need to ensure that I keep the right materials in stock to ensure availability, and knowing what you want ahead of time helps ensure that. It also helps me more accurately project lead times for everyone on my list. You're not committed to it until I start, so you'll always have the ability to change materials just before I get started.
I'll contact you when I reach your spot in line and am about to start on your call, just to confirm we are good to go. When your call is just about ready, my invoice will be sent via PayPal to your e-mail inbox. Don't worry if you're not a PayPal user...The invoice allows you to pay securely with Venmo or a credit/debit card. I do not take card payments over the phone or in person. I do not accept checks or money orders under any circumstances.
In certain circumstances including unusual combinations of materials or highly customized/personalized calls, I will invoice for payment before starting the build.
Payment of the invoice is expected within a reasonable amount of time. I will communicate with you before I start on your call, so if the timing isn't financially right for you, just let me know and I'll gladly postpone the build until you're ready. Once I put in the work on your call, I expect payment within a couple days. If invoices go unpaid, I'll make reasonable efforts to contact you before unapologetically selling your call to someone else if you don't respond.
In-stock natural woods, oil finish. Contact for exact pricing.
In-stock stabilized figured woods, spalted woods, burls. Average is $100-110, with some woods costing slightly more or less. Certain exceptionally rare woods may cost significantly more.
Translucent in-stock acrylic colors are $105 polished. Matte finish is $95. In-stock pearl colors are $110 polished, $100 matte. DeadShot Polymers limited run varied acrylics are additional varied amounts depending on particular material. In-stock transparent colors are $175 polished because they take a massive amount of work to make them look clean. Rare discontinued colors such as KC red, jade and orange may cost more than acrylics that are currently in production.
Available in brown canvas, brown linen, and black canvas. When available, Russian "crazy" micarta costs significantly more, and is subject to availability. Unfortunately, it has been hard to source lately.
Translucent acrylic, micarta or wood. Transparent acrylic can be used as an end cap in some cases, but may cost a little more. I do have some small pieces of Russian crazy micarta that can be used for end caps, but additional cost is involved..
Brass, aluminum, copper, black, orange, red or white. On multiple inlays, cost is per layer. Inquire about other colors available. Maximum five layers per call.
*End cap fee of $20 applies
An oil finish is strongly recommended for hunting calls. CA won't look as good as new after a couple seasons of use, so plan on me trying to talk you out of it. The $50 price is based on the substantial time and effort involved.
No longer offered. I recommend contacting a local engraving shop in your area should you wish to have your call engraved.
US addresses. Non-US customers please contact me for a shipping quote.
Residents of Kansas should expect to pay 9% sales tax. If you live in Kansas, please let me know when we correspond about your call.